Scuffle Goes to School

“I did find them, Twitch, in the inside pockets of some blazers.” “So where are they, Scuffle?” “I hid them all around the Prep School and playing fields. No one will ever be able to find them there.” “Great! Whereabouts, Scuffle?” “Well… err… that’s the problem,” mumbled Scuffle awkwardly. “I can’t remember.” “What shall we do?” worried Twitch. “We’ll keep looking, Twitch,” encouraged Scuffle. “Perseverantia.” “Perseverantia!” cheered Twitch. Perserverantia is Latin for persevere. Headmaster Rev Dr Wilson (1879-1908) created the current school badge in 1882, in celebration of the school’s move to the Warwick Road campus. The Saint Martin’s campus has been the home of Solihull Preparatory School since September 2020, following the merger of Saint Martin’s School and Solihull School.