The summer term has been very busy so far...
The summer term has been very busy so far with many activities and events taking place, and the Upper Sixth have enjoyed their final week at school before going on study leave. Our leavers’ assembly was packed full of talent, ranging from singers and dancers to poetry! The final chapel service proved to be very emotional, which shows that we all will all truly miss school life as we head off to university and the next stages of our lives.
The summer term has seen the annual Summer Music Concert take place in the Bushell Hall, which saw many different ensembles play a variety of film music, including Titanic and Star Wars. The Benchers’ Soiree this year was hosted for the first time in the Keith Sach Suite on a lovely summer evening, with guest speaker and Old Silhillian Aoife Mannion addressing the Bench. Her inspiring words resonated with us all as she informed us of the struggle of balancing her university degree and her professional football career. Aoife was very engaging and motivating as she gave us her advice. Thank you Aoife for taking the time to come and speak to us!
It has been a pleasure to be this academic year’s Heads of School, and we would like to thank all of the Sixth Form Bench for carrying out their duties each week as well as volunteering to help out at a number of events including the school musical, Tommy. All that’s left to say is good luck to all pupils who are currently taking external exams, and good luck to next year’s Heads of School!