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Solihull School

Solihull School

News Stories

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Page 18

  • 30/05/13

    Charlotte's Premiere!

    Charlotte's Summer Concert Premiere!
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  • 23/04/13

    Oxbridge Success!

    Solihull School is celebrating an outstanding set of Oxford and Cambridge University offers.
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  • 11/04/13

    Phantom Success!

    Solihull School’s musical theatre lovers were so keen to make their production of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ a success that they called on the professionals to add the finishing touches.
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  • 15/03/13

    Top Children's Author Delights Juniors

    Creative boys and girls at Solihull Junior School revealed their literary skills when children’s author Adam Guillain dropped by to lead a workshop. The writer, best known for his popular Bella Balistica adventure stories, was the guest on Author Day at the independent school in Warwick Road.
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  • 15/03/13

    Charlotte Plucks Strings Of Success

    Violin Success!
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  • 15/03/13

    Students Boost Skills in Theatre Workshop

    Theatre Workshop!
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  • 07/03/13

    Olympic Star Joins Coaching Team

    Solihull's Hockey Coaching Team is Bolstered.
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  • 13/02/13

    Choristers Sing At St Paul's

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  • 13/02/13

    Students Boston Bound For World Science Conference

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  • 13/02/13

    Juniors 'Dig' Their History

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  • 21/01/13

    Oxbridge Success!

    Oxbridge Success!
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  • 30/12/12


    Former Organ Scholar at Solihull School  awarded an OBE in the New Year Honours List
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