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Solihull School

Solihull School

News Stories

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  • 02/11/12

    World-class opera

    Former pupil brings world-class opera to Solihull School   
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  • 02/11/12

    The Leonard Stevens Building

    Plaque to the future for Solihull School  
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  • 02/11/12

    Academic Excellence

    Former Solihull School student proves to be the best!
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  • 17/10/12

    Old Silhillians' Victory

    New trophy honours Old Silhillians' Association founder
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  • 17/10/12

    Sixth Form USA Visit

    USA election comes to life for Sixth Form students
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  • 05/09/12

    Swim Success!

    Excellent performance from swim sensation, Abigail.
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  • 23/08/12

    GCSE Results

    An excellent set of GCSE results.
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  • 10/08/12

    A Level Results

     A Level Results 2012  
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  • 12/07/12

    Local Schools Enjoy Olympic Day Spectacular

    One of the most thrilling days in Solihull School's sporting history reached Olympian heights as 400 children from 12 schools took part in a star-studded Olympic Day.
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  • 12/07/12

    Question Time Success For Midland Schools

    Parliamentary expenses, Press standards and gay marriage were among the hot topics debated at a successful TV-style Question Time event hosted by Solihull School
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  • 12/07/12

    Mary Rose Experts Bring History To Life

    History lessons came vividly to life when pupils from Solihull Junior School were visited by two of the key figures involved in the excavation and recovery of the Mary Rose.
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  • 11/07/12

    Former Solihull Head Launches New Archive Room

    A teacher who became Second Master, Headmaster and Governor in an association of more than 50 years with Solihull School has had a new Archive Room named after him.
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