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Solihull School

Solihull School

News Stories

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  • 12/05/21

    Trio Create The Crocolion Code

    Three colleagues at Solihull School have been getting creative during lockdown - writing, illustrating and narrating a new children’s book, The Crocolion Code. Simon Grove, Gary Johnson and Thom Stafford, who all work at the Prep School combined their individual skills and worked toget...
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  • 30/04/21

    Testing Times

    The Headmaster writes for Independent Schools Magazine:   Let me begin by expressing my surprise at the Government’s decision to send all pupils back on 8 March.  I was certainly expecting GCSE and A Level examination year groups, and given the complexity of...
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  • 10/02/21

    Senior School Offer Event

    On Friday 5 February, we launched our Senior School Offer Event dedicated web page to provide an insight into life and opportunities at Solihull. On Monday 8 February, we hosted a Teams live event with presentations from the Headmaster, Mr David EJJ Lloyd; Head of the Senior School, M...
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  • 31/01/21

    School Cap Rings a Bell with Prep Pupils

    Two of our Prep School children have reunited a former pupil with his school cap – almost 45 years after he last wore it! Joseph and Jessie were given the Solihull cap by their Grandmother, Nora Bastock who received the school uniform item in a box of curios at her antique shop, L...
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  • 05/01/21


    The application deadline for external students to join Solihull Sixth Form in September 2021 is this Thursday, 7 January 2021. Don’t miss this opportunity to make the most of your future. Apply here
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  • 11/11/20

    Armistice Day

    To ensure pupils remained safe within their bubbles, this year’s poignant Remembrance Service at Solihull took a rather different form, with pupils and staff across the whole school community watching a live stream of the wreath laying ceremony at the school War Memorial. As Upper Sixth stu...
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  • 07/11/20

    Prep School Information Event

    Our Preparatory School Information Event is an opportunity to learn more about life at Solihull Prep. Hear from our Solihull School Headmaster, Mr David EJJ Lloyd; Head of the Preparatory School, Mr Mark P Penney and other members of our Preparatory School staff, then enjoy a...
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  • 06/11/20

    Sixth Form Information Event

    Our Sixth Form Information Event is an opportunity to learn more about life in the Sixth Form at Solihull. View inside The Cooper Building and hear from our Headmaster, Mr David EJJ Lloyd; Head of the Senior School, Mr Sean A Morgan and Head of the Sixth Form, Mrs Katherine Robinson. Sele...
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  • 30/09/20

    Amber wins gold with ‘Just One Voice’

    Lower Fifth Solihull pupil Amber has won Gold in the Poetry (aged 13 – 15) category of the Anne Frank Trust Creative Writing Awards. Amber entered the competition, which invited young people across the country to take Anne Frank as their inspiration and create a piece of writing t...
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  • 15/09/20

    New Beginnings at Solihull

    Solihull opened its doors as a school for pupils aged 3 – 18 years for the first time on Tuesday 8 September - welcoming boys and girls to the new independent coeducational day school across two campuses – Solihull Preparatory School on Saint Martin’s campus, Brueton Avenue and Sol...
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  • 09/09/20

    Senior School Applications - Closing Soon

    The closing date for applications to Solihull Senior School is Tuesday 15 September.  Please download the PDF below for further details or contact our Admissions Department on 0121 705 4273 or email 
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  • 20/08/20

    GCSE Results 2020

    A Statement from the Headmaster “We are delighted that that our GCSE cohort of 2019-20 has received such excellent results. Indeed, we are extremely proud of all our pupils for managing several months of remote learning, the Government’s shifting position and the ensuing media frenzy...
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