In 2015 the school joined the prestigious Steinway Initiative, purchasing three new Steinway grand pianos. In so doing, we are demonstrating a real commitment to nurturing the musical development of pupils of generations to come and to becoming a beacon of excellence in the region. It also gives us access to Steinway Hall in London, enabling our pupils to receive piano masterclasses and perform high quality recitals away from school.
A concert model ‘D’ grand lives in the Bushell Hall for large ensemble concerts and assemblies; a model ‘B’ in the Recital Room for solo and chamber recitals; and a model ‘AS’ in the Ensemble Room – especially used for exam performances.
These wonderful pianos are not only a treat for the pianist pupils to play on, they also provide a wonderful accompaniment sound to the many instrumentalists.
The recent acquisition of these new grand pianos has enabled us to build a link with EPTA – the European Piano Teachers’ Association. EPTA will use our facilities both for teacher INSET and for various rounds of their national Piano Competition.