Turning a skill, a passion for a subject, or an area of interest into the pathway towards a career is an exciting period of discovery and the Solihull Futures Department is there to support our pupils with this important process.
The Futures Department offers an extensive programme of support to prepare pupils for their chosen pathway at 16 and 18 and eventual transition into a career and adult life. The department is run by Mrs R S Chillcott (MA Oxon, PGCE), our Director of Futures and supported by staff members with different specialisms as well as alumni and leaders from across a wide range of industry, academic and service organisations.
From the start of their journey through Solihull Senior School, the Futures Department provides support to help pupils discover their strengths, make academic choices that are right for them and explore career options. By the time they leave us in Upper Sixth, our senior students are well-prepared and ready for university, an apprenticeship or entry into the world of work and adult life.
We provide information on future learning, training and career options - and encourage those who are less certain of their future career to explore opportunities that will help uncover a potential pathway. Our guidance includes the use of specialist psychometric programmes, like Unifrog (which compares different university, apprenticeship and further education options) and Morrisby Online Careers Assessments, to help pupils understand their strengths and support them in developing them throughout their time with us, making the optimum academic choices to open up exciting potential pathways.
Futures at Solihull
University Preparation
Applications for university and apprenticeship opportunities are well-supported at Solihull. All Lower Sixth students enjoying a comprehensive programme of UCAS preparation support, delivered through weekly UCAS preparation sessions and culminating in UCAS Day, which features a highly successful personal statement workshop. Students are also encouraged to attend university open days.
In addition, a dedicated team of staff run programmes tailored to specific post-18 pathways, subject specific applications, international universities, Oxbridge, and apprenticeships.
This team comprises:
All Lower Sixth students receive a Post-18 pathways meeting during the Summer Term, to help them consider academic and vocational courses that might be suitable for them, tailored to their projected academic attainment and career aspirations.
To read more about our support for University and Apprenticeships, please click here.
Old Silhillians
Members of our alumni community, especially recent leavers, use the Futures Department extensively, whenever they need our impartial support and advice on key decisions affecting their continued education or career.
Our Director of Futures can also match Sixth Form students and younger alumni with a Career Mentor, from our network of parents and alumni volunteers, that is an experienced professional in their area of interest. Other support includes help with CV writing, job interviews and introductions.
The support of parents and carers
We believe every pupil holds the key to their own future success. It’s our role as a school, together with the support of parents and carers, to guide them as they explore and nurture their own potential, enabling them to unlock the best possible future opportunities.
Parental partnership with the Futures Department in supporting pupils as they explore future options is vitally important, and parents and carers are warmly invited to Futures-focused events and parents' evenings throughout their time at Solihull.
Mrs R S Chillcott is also available to parents and carers, either with or without the pupil present, to talk through options and considerations, as well as to school alumni who need our support. Mrs Chillcott can be contacted at Futures@SolSch.org.uk.