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Solihull School

  • Staff & Governors

    Teaching Staff

    Teaching staff can be contacted using the following;








    MA, King's College, London; MSc, Jesus College, Oxford

    Executive Headmaster

    Mr Nick Adams BA, De Montfort Sports Coach (Rugby)
    Mr Gareth Affleck BA, Bristol Head of History & Politics
    Mrs Laura Affleck BA, Birmingham Teacher of English
    Miss Rachel Airdrie BA, Open University Teacher of English
    Mr Callum Alger BMus, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Head of Chapel Music
    Mr Oliver Anderton BSc, Warwick

    Head of Year & Teacher of Physics

    Mrs  Joanne Ashton BA, Warwick EYFS Teacher, Preparatory School
    Mrs  Nicola Atkins BEd, Manchester Infant Teacher, Preparatory School
    Mr Matthew Babb BSc, Durham Examinations Officer & Teacher of Biology
    Miss Emma Baker

    BA, Cardiff

    MA, Bristol

    Teacher of Learning Support
    Mr Owen Bate BSc, Sheffield Head of Outdoor Education
    Mrs  Rebecca Beavon BA, Bournemouth Teacher of Business
    Miss Claire Bednall

    BSc, Cheltenham

    MSc, Imperial College, London 

    Deputy Head of Middle School & Teacher of Geography
    Mrs Jennifer Bernamont BSc, Exeter  Junior School Teacher
    Mr Louie Boot MSci Birmingham Teacher of Mathematics
    Mrs Clare Bovill BA, Glasgow Head of Singing
    Mr Mark Bishop

    BSc, Bristol

    MSc, Reading

    Head of Mathematics
    Mrs  Claire Black BA, Warwick Deputy Head of Sixth Form & Teacher of French
    Mr Mark Briggs BSc, Liverpool Teacher of Mathematics
    Mr Michael Bristow BA Sheffield Teacher of French & Spanish
    Mr Darryl Brotherhood BSc, Birmingham Head of Health & Fitness
    Mr David Brough BSc, Manchester Second in Department & Teacher of Mathematics and Assistant Timetabler
    Mr James Brown BA, Exeter Deputy Head of Lower School, Teacher of English & Drama
    Mrs Alison Burt BSc, Bristol Teacher of Chemistry & Timetabler


    Edward Carne BA, University of Northumbria at Newcastle Assistant Head (Sport) & Preparatory School Sports Teacher
    Ms Libby Campbell BA, Nottingham Head of Year, Teacher of French & Spanish
    Dr William Carroll

    BA, MA, PhD Birmingham

    Teacher of English
    Mrs  Nicola Chamulewicz Inst. Linguistics Diploma, National Extension College Teacher of Spanish, Preparatory School
    Mrs Rhian  Chillcott

    MA, St Hilda's College, Oxford

    Director of Futures & Teacher of WPD


    Samuel Chillcott

    MEng, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford; MSc, Cranfield

    Head of Physics & Science Co-ordinator

    Mrs Jackie Clark

    BA, Liverpool; MA, Coventry

    Teacher of Art & Photography
    Mrs Victoria Clarke BA, Leeds Teacher of Art
    Mrs Helen  Coleman BSc, University of Liverpool Assistant Head of Alice House, Preparatory School
    Mrs Kirsty Cooke

    BA, Bristol

    MA, Birmingham

    Teacher of English
    Mr  Neal Corbett BA, Leeds Head of Design Technology
    Mr Martin Covill BSc, Loughborough Deputy Head of Sixth Form & Teacher of Geography 
    Mr Geddes Cureton BSc, Loughborough Teacher of Mathematics
    Mrs Hannah Davidson

    BSc, Sheffield Hallam

    Teacher of Food & Nutrition
    Mr Mark Davies

    BEng, Birmingham; MSc, Aston

    Head of Year (Upper Fifth) & Teacher of Physics
    Mr Thomas Dean BSc, Keele Teacher of Chemistry
    Mr  Paul Delaney

    BA, Exeter

    Head of French & German, International


    Mrs Pelvinder Deu BSc, Manchester Teacher of Mathematics & Lower School Maths Co-ordinator
    Mrs  Nicola Dickerson BA, Birmingham Junior School Teacher
    Ms Claire Dignon

    BA, Leeds

    MA, Ulster

    Head of Community Relations & Teacher of History & Politics
    Dr Amy Eagleton

    BA, Durham; PhD, Birmingham

    Deputy Head of English
    Mr Alex Eden BSc, Birmingham Teacher of Physics
    Mrs  Janine Elkington

    BSc, Portsmouth 

    Head of Year & Teacher of Psychology 
    Mrs Natasha Evans

    BA, Leeds; MA, Warwick

    Head of Sixth Form & Teacher of English 
    Mrs  Hannah Fair

    BA, MEd, Birmingham

    Assistant Head (Co-Curricular) & Teacher of History 

    Mrs Suzannah Farnan BSc, Warwick Assistant Head (Junior School) & Junior School Teacher
    Mrs  Tracey  Farnell BSc, Bedfordshire Director of Sport (Prep School)
    Dr John Fennell PhD, BSc Birmingham Teacher of Chemistry
    Mr Francisco Fernandez-Valverde   Spanish Assistant & Preparatory School Sports' Assistant
    Dr Sian Foster

    MA, Selwyn College, Cambridge; MPhil, DPhil, Worcester College, Oxford  & MBA, Warwick

    Head of Oxbridge, Medics, Vets & Dentistry & Teacher of Classics
    Mrs Joanne Francis

    BA, Durham; MPhil, Queens College Cambridge

    Teacher of History & Politics

    Ms Bettina Freeman MA, Albert-Ludwigs Universitat German Assistant
    Mrs  Tracy Gallagher BEd, Leeds Metropolitan Teacher of Sport
    Mrs Sarah Ginn BSc, Cardiff Head of Girls' Cricket
    Mr Michael Gledhill

    BA, Leeds

    LLB, College of Law

    Head of Lower School & Teacher of French & Spanish
    Mrs  Corinne Goodman BSc, Manchester Head of Chemistry
    Mrs Hannah Grace

    BSc, Birmingham

    Head of Year & Infant School Teacher
    Mrs  Caroline Graham BA, Heythrop College, University of London Teacher of English
    Mr Simon Grove

    LLB, Nottingham Trent

    Head of Year & Junior School Teacher
    Mr Christopher Guy BSc, Birmingham Teacher of Design Technology & Computer Science
    Mrs Saranne Haley

    BSc, Durham; MA, Birmingham

    Junior School Teacher
    Mrs Helen Hallworth BSc, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff Deputy Head of Middle School & Teacher of Food & Nutrition
    Mrs Mieke Hartland BA, Massey, New Zealand Teacher of Geography
    Mrs Lucy Harper BA, Oxford Brookes Preparatory School Teacher of Curriculum & Learning Support 
    Mrs  Jennifer Hart

    BA, Wolverhampton QTLS, IFL

    Head of Dance

    Dr Stuart Hart

    BA, University of Central England MPhil, Birmingham; PhD, Birmingham

    Head of English
    Mrs Isobel Harvey BSc, Leeds Teacher of Science
    Mrs Louise Haynes BSc, Lancaster Teacher of Mathematics
    Mr John Henderson BA, Loughborough Head of Art & Photography
    Mrs Kim Higginson BA, Birmingham  Preparatory School Teacher of Sport
    Revd. Rachel Hill-Brown

    Mth, St John's College, Nottingham BEd, Westminster College, Oxford

    Chaplain & Joint Head of Learning Support

    Mrs Kate Hull BSc, Newcastle Teacher of Mathematics 
    Mrs  Janet Humphreys BEd, Cantab

    Preparatory School Deputy Head (Academic)

    Mrs Iryna Igoe BEd, Birmingham Teacher of Religious Studies
    Mr Matthew Imison

    BA, Durham; MBA Warwick

    Teacher of Economics
    Mrs Emma Inglis BEd, Westminster College, Oxford Preparatory School Assistant Head
    Mrs Georgina  Isaacs BA, Exeter Teacher of Geography
    Mr Gareth James BA, De Montfort Teacher of Design Technology


    Jansen van Rensburg BSc, North West University (South Africa) Teacher of Biology
    Dr Amelia Jennings

    BA, Exeter College, Oxford; DPhil, Wolfson College, Oxford

    Teacher of Chemistry
    Dr Richard Jennings BSc, PhD, Birmingham Teacher of Chemistry
    Miss Azahara Jimenez Fuentes DipHE, Universidad de Granada Teacher of Spanish
    Mrs Joanna Johnson BA, MPhil, Birmingham Head of Classics
    Mr Michael Jones

    BA, MA, Durham

    Preparatory School Senior Deputy Head (Pastoral)
    Mr Tim Kermode MA, New College, Oxford Director of Music
    Ms  Natalie Leeson BSc, Birmingham Teacher of Biology
    Mr Nick Leonard BEd, Exeter Commanding Officer of the CCF & Teacher of Sport
    Mr Nicholas Linehan BA, Leeds Teacher of Classics
    Mrs Julie Litwinko

    BPhil, Birmingham

    Head of Year & Reception Teacher, Preparatory School
    Mrs  Alexandra Longden BA, Oxford Brookes Junior School Teacher
    Mrs Gabrielle Lowe

    BSc, Birmingham PGDip, Nottingham

    Head of Year (Fourth Form), Teacher of Biology
    Miss  Lydia Lynch BSc, Birmingham Preparatory School Head of English & Junior School Teacher
    Mr Andrew MacKenzie

    BA, Kent

    Teacher of Computer Science
    Mr  Darren Maddy   Head of Cricket
    Mrs Jane Mander BA, Huddersfield

    Teacher of Economics & Business

    Mrs Katie Mansell BA, Birmingham Preparatory School Teacher 
    Mrs Hanlie Martens MMus, Cape Town & MMus, Universitat Hannover Head of Keyboard
    Mr Chris  Mason BA, MSc, Lancaster Teacher of Economics
    Mrs  Julie Massarella BEd, Bath College Head of Food & Nutrition
    Mr Cameron May BSc, Winchester Graduate Sports Assistant
    Mr  Philip May BSc, Warwick Teacher of Mathematics
    Mr  Tim Mayled   Swimming Coach
    Mr Christopher Mayer   Head of Hockey
    Mrs Kirsty McAlister MA, St John's College, Oxford Teacher of Classics
    Mrs Colette McArthur BA, East London Preparatory School Infant Teacher
    Mrs Emma McGinley BSc Gloucestershire; MA St Marys Head of Netball
    Mrs  Wendy Meigh BEd, Newcastle, Australia Head of Economics & Business
    Mrs  Hayley Middleton BEng, BCom, Birmingham Head of Year & Junior School Teacher
    Mr  Stephen Mitchell BSc, Cheltenham & Gloucester Junior School Teacher, Preparatory School
    Mr  Junaid  Mohammed BA, Birmingham Teacher of Business
    Mrs  Clare Mollison BA, Winchester Junior School Teacher, Preparatory School
    Mr  Paul Morgan BA, Ulster Head of Spanish & MFL Co-ordinator
    Mrs  Rachel Morgan BEd, Leeds Junior School Teacher
    Mr  Sean Morgan BA, Leeds Head of the Senior School & Teacher of Classics
    Miss Rebecca Noon BA, Nottingham Head of Year & Teacher of Spanish
    Mrs Emma Papantoniou NASENCO Worcester; LLB Cardiff Head of Learning Support
    Mrs Dawn Parker BSc, Birmingham  Head of Biology & i.c. Clay Pigeon Shooting 
    Dr Mary Partridge

    BA, St Edmund Hall, Oxford;  PhD, MA, Birmingham

    Teacher of Classics
    Mr Owen Parsons MSc, Birmingham Teacher of Mathematics
    Mrs Vanessa Patel BA, Brighton Head of Computer Science
    Miss Charlotte Pearson BMus Royal Holloway, University of London Teacher of Music
    Mrs  Donna Penney

    BSc, Loughborough 

    Preparatory School Curriculum & Learning Support Co-ordinator
    Mr  Mark Penney BA, Cork

    Head of the Preparatory School

    Mr  Simon Phillips

    BA, Bath; MMus, Nottingham

    Head of Academic Music
    Mrs Emma Pimlott BSc, Portsmouth Infant Teacher, Preparatory School
    Mr Alex Poole BSc, Newman Head of Year & Junior School Teacher
    Mr Ali Raza BSc, The Open University Sports Coach (Hockey)
    Mr Richard Reed BSc, Birmingham Teacher of Geography
    Mr David Rice

    BA, Selwyn College, Cambridge

    MA, Birmingham

    Head of Choral Music
    Mr Brett Richmond BSc, Exeter Head of Rugby
    Mrs  Catherine Ridout

    BEng, Reading

    Teacher of Mathematics & Head of Terriers
    Mrs Helen Roberts

    BMus, Royal National College of Music; MMus, Royal Scottish Academy of Music

    Head of Strings
    Mrs Katherine Robinson BSc, Edinburgh Deputy Head (Teaching & Learning) & Teacher of Geography
    Mrs  Alex Roll BA, Birmingham Teacher of Geography
    Mrs Louise Rooney Level 5 Dip Ed, Warwick  Head of Wellbeing & Personal Development
    Ms  Laura Rutherford

    BA, MA, Homerton College, Cambridge & MEd, Birmingham

    Head of Religious Studies, Head of Teaching & Learning
    Dr Fran Ryland

    BSc, Warwick; MPhil, Birmingham & Reading PhD, Birmingham

    Head of Combined Science & Teacher of Science
    Miss Jenna Sainsbury BA, Birmingham Head of Music, Preparatory School
    Mrs Ayla Sarcevic BSc Manchester Teacher of Computing
    Miss Eloise Saunders BSc, Kent Teacher of Physics, Peer Mentor Coordinator
    Mr Daniel Shodipo

    MSc West of England MA, Warwick

    Teacher of Chemistry
    Mrs Jane Sixsmith Honorary Doctorate & MA, Wolverhampton Sports Coach (Hockey)
    Mr Keith Slade BMus, Royal Northern College of Music Head of Woodwind
    Miss Jessica-May Smith BA, Birmingham Teacher of English
    Miss  Rebecca Smith BSc, Warwick Head of Year & Junior School Teacher
    Mrs  Rachael Speirs BA, Nottingham Trent Senior School Deputy Head (Pastoral) & Teacher of English
    Mrs Joanne Spencer BA, University of Birmingham Teacher of MFL
    Mrs Julie Spraggett MusB (Hons), Manchester Head of Brass
    Mrs Laura Spratley BA, Leicester Deputy Head of Lower School & Teacher of History
    Dr Peter Spratley

    BA, MA, Leicester; PhD, Warwick

    Head of Middle School & Teacher of English
    Mrs  Kirsteen  Stafford

    BA, Hull; MA, University of Central England

    Head of Drama 
    Mr Leo Tat

    BSc, MSc, Manchester

    Teacher of Mathematics
    Miss Rebecca Taylor

    BA, Worcester

    Junior School Teacher, Preparatory School
    Mrs Amy Thacker BA, MA, Warwick Teacher of Religious Studies
    Mr Steve Thompson BSc, Brunel Director of Sport (Senior School)
    Mrs Sharron Thomas BSc, Leicester Teacher of Religious Studies
    Mr Matthew Tibbitts BSc, Wolverhampton Junior School Teacher
    Mr Jack Vaabel BA, Sheffield Hallam Teacher of Sport (Preparatory School)
    Mr Matthew van Alderwegen

    BA, Leeds MA, Nottingham 

    Director of Assessment & Digital Strategy, Teacher of History

    Ms Sarah Vaughan

    BA, Exeter; MEd, Open University

    Learning Support Teacher
    Mrs Danielle Wana BA, Liverpool John Moores Head of Academic PE
    Miss Steph  Waldron

    BSc, Coventry

    Teacher of Psychology
    Mr Joe Walker BA, Warwick Head of Year & Infant School Teacher, Preparatory School
    Mrs  Sarah Watton BA, Hull Teacher of English
    Mrs Laura Webb BA, Birmingham Teacher of Religious Studies
    Mrs Lucy Webb BA, Nottingham Trent Infant School Teacher, Preparatory School
    Mrs Ruth  Whaley MA, Manchester Metropolitan Teacher of Art & Photography
    Mr David Whiting BSc, Durham Physics Technician
    Miss Anna Wilkie BSc, Coventry Head of Psychology
    Miss Rebecca Windmill

    MSci, MA Birmingham

    Head of Geography
    Miss Helen Winn LLB, Manchester Metropolitan

    Junior School Teacher, Preparatory School

    Miss Mia-Rose Yates BA, Nottingham Teacher of Religious Studies
    Ms Yasmin Zimnowodzki Mphil, Leicester Teacher of German

    Non-Teaching Staff





    Mr Richard Bate

    MA, Pembroke College, Cambridge ACMA

    Bursar & Clerk to the Governors
    Mrs Julia Ackroyd BSc, Loughborough Marketing Assistant
    Mrs Manjit Ajimal NVQ Level 3 Teaching Assistant, Preparatory School
    Mrs Philippa Annandale NVQ Level 3 Teaching Assistant, Preparatory School
    Mrs  Janet Baker BA, Birmingham Art Technician, Preparatory School
    Mr Dan Balcam   Performing Arts Technician
    Mr Mark Bailey

    MCIHort, Icgi HNC, Harper Adams

    Deputy Head of Grounds & Horticultural Professional
    Ms Suzanne Baldwin   Bursar's PA
    Mrs Joanna  Barrett CIPD Assistant HR Manager
    Mrs Isabel Baumber

    BA, Nottingham DipM

    Music School Administrator
    Mrs Sue Bray   Art Technician
    Mrs  Susan Blizzard   Accounts Assistant (Purchase Ledger)
    Mr Karl Brotherhood   Head of Grounds
    Mrs  Kim Capewell   Cover Manager, Database Secretary, & Deputy Examinations Officer
    Mrs  Sarah Cosgrove  L4 TQUK Teaching Assistant, Preparatory School
    Miss Rosie  Davis   Teaching Assistant, Preparatory School
    Mrs  Marie Davies   Assistant Bursar
    Mr  Philip Dean MBE   SSI (School Staff Instructor), DofE Manager & Fleet Manager
    Miss Gemma Deery

    BSc, Aston

    Assistant Bursar (Facilities, Compliance & Transport)
    Mr  Adrian Donohoe   Maintenance Manager, Warwick Road & Saint Martin's campus
    Mrs Claire  Doran HND, Warwickshire College Chemistry Technician
    Mrs  Tracey Duggan   PA to the Head of the Senior School
    Mr Darryl Edwards   Rugby Coach
    Mr  Peter Essex   Assistant Marshal, Warwick Road campus
    Mr David Farrington BSc, University of Central Lancashire Physics Technician
    Mrs Cristina Filipe-Araujo MA, Madrid French Assistant
    Mrs Suzanne Fisher

    BSc, Nottingham

    Biology Technician
    Mrs  Susan  Frain   Preparatory School Catering Manager
    Mrs Amanda Garside

    BA, Huddersfield Polytechnic; L4 TQUK

    Teaching Assistant, Preparatory School
    Mrs  Jane Green   Teaching Assistant, Preparatory School
    Mr  Phil Green   Minibus Driver & Assistant Marshal, Warwick Road campus
    Mr Alex Grove   Rugby Coach
    Mr  Tony Haden   Minibus Driver & Maintenance
    Mr Paul Hadley MCSE, HNC, Staffordshire ICT Technician, OC CCF RAF
    Ms Sarah Hardy HND, University College Worcester Designated Safeguarding Lead and Pastoral Support Manager
    Ms Harpreet Kaur BSc, Birmingham Health & Safety / Compliance Officer
    Mrs Jessica Harris   PA to the Head of the Preparatory School
    Mr Oliver  Hays   Gap Tutor



    HNC, Sunderland

    Receptionist & Administrator, Preparatory School
    Miss Anne-Marie Hooper BA, Wolverhampton Accounts Assistant (Payroll, Lettings & Administration)
    Mr  Kevin Hunton MA, UCE Production Design Manager
    Mr Marc Iles   DT Technician
    Miss Ivy Jera   Gap Tutor
    Miss Samantha Josko   Admissions Administrator
    Dr Paul Jukes BSc DPhil, Sussex Performing Arts Technical Manager
    Mr David Johnson   ICT Technical Support Manager, Saint Martin's campus
    Mr Andrew Johnson   

    Head Groundsperson, Preparatory School

    Mr Conor Joyce   Rugby Coach
    Mrs Julie Kaye (ILM) Institute of Leadership & Management

    Assistant Bursar, (Operations & Staff)

    Mrs  Helen King RGN School Nurse (Team Leader)
    Dr  Sunil Kotecha MBChB, FRCGP, MSc School Medical Officer
    Miss  Katie Lawley BA, Rose Bruford College Performing Arts Technician
    Mrs  Rebecca Leaver MSc, Northampton, BSc Birmingham Newman School Counsellor
    Mr William Lewis BA, Open University Data Manager
    Mr John  Loynton

    MA, Leicester, BEd, Birmingham

    Mr Brian Maye   Site Manager, Preparatory School
    Mrs Rachel Murthi  MAAT Accounts Assistant (Cash, Receipts & Payments)
    Mr Christian McCall   Marshal, Warwick Road campus
    Mrs Lisa McGann   PA to the Headmaster
    Mrs Nermeen Mosaad   Reprographics Assistant
    Mrs Hayley Miles

    MCIPD MA, Birmingham City University; BA, Leeds

    HR Manager
    Mrs Lynn Moseley   Head of Alumni Relations
    Mr Martin  Moseley   Head of ICT Services
    Mrs Allison Morris   External Relations Administrator
    Miss Georgie Morton   Reprographics Assistant, Preparatory School
    Mrs Nicolette Mullan   Admissions Registrar
    Mrs Liz Munro

    BSc, BCU, RGN, DN, QN 

    School Nurse
    Mrs  Claire Nuttall   Preparatory School Administrator
    Mrs  Rachel O'Brien RGN School Nurse
    Mrs  Amanda O'Leary

    BSc, University of Surrey

    Wraparound Care Manager
    Mrs Sian O'Malley   Preparatory School Technician
    Mrs Nicola Peace NVQ L3 Early Years Care & Education Teaching Assistant, Preparatory School
    Mrs Hollie Pemberton BSc, Hull Preparatory School Library Assistant & Forest School Teaching Assistant
    Miss  Karen Perrins

    BA, Wolverhampton MA, UCE

    Art Technician 
    Miss Rebecca Phillips L3 Diploma, City & Guilds for Early Years Practitioner Teaching Assistant, Preparatory School
    Mr Connor Pouney   IT Technician
    Mrs Jo Ranson

    BSc, University of Wales; MSc, Manchester Met

    Co-curricular Administrator
    Mrs Lucie Ray-Barrett   Head of Marketing 
    Mrs Helen Raybould BA, Coventry Admissions Officer
    Mr  Lee Richardson MCP, MCSA, MCSA: Messaging, ITILv3 

    Deputy Head of ICT Services

    Mrs Gaynor Robinson   Library Assistant
    Mrs Susan Sargent NCFE Level 3 Diploma Teaching Assistant, Preparatory School
    Mrs Heather Scott   Receptionist, Warwick Road campus
    Mr Richard Scott BA, Derby Senior ICT Technician
    Mrs Deborah Smith BA, Reading Director of External Relations
    Mr Mark Smith   Deputy Head of Maintenance, Warwick Road campus
    Mrs Helen Stockdale MA, Edinburgh Receptionist & Administrator, Alice House
    Mr Ken Tsung MPhil, Hong Kong Baptist University Science Technician


    Lorraine Taylor   Academic Administrator
    Mr Jeff Tse BSc, Chinese University of Hong Kong Chemistry Technician
    Mrs  Alison Vaughan BA, UCE Librarian
    Ms Beata Vitharana MA, Jagiellonian University, Poland Learning Support Assistant
    Mrs  Melanie Wade   Accounts Assistant (Billing & Purchase Ledger)
    Ms Catherine Walcott NCFE L3 Teaching Assistant, Preparatory School
    Ms Donna White   Food Technician
    Mr Robert Woodford BSc, Wolverhampton Science Technician