Last week, prospective Degree Apprenticeship candidates in the Upper Sixth spent a day honing their CVs and taking part in a mock assessment centre to help them get ready for their applications.
Interested students from the Lower Sixth joined in the afternoon event too, which took the form of an ‘Apprentice’ style session where groups of students were set a challenge to pitch campaign ideas to help ‘Titan Bank’ become more popular with consumers, while staff and external visitors - including Anita O’Sullivan, a local employer and parent of a former Solihull School student - assessed the candidates against key employability criteria.
Degree Apprenticeships are becoming an increasingly popular post-18 pathway, and Solihull School recently appointed Mrs Amy Fallis as the school’s Apprenticeship Co-ordinator.
Running alongside other post-18 pathways such as the school’s successful Oxbridge and Med-Vet programmes, and tailored support for both UK and international university choices, the new Apprenticeship programme offers information events and an online resource hub for students to access, as well as work experience opportunities and mentoring through the school’s alumni community.