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Solihull School

As children make the seamless transition from EYFS to Infant 1, their timetable takes a more structured and formal approach, with teaching and learning based on the National Curriculum. This builds on the work the children have covered previously and allows for a natural transition in learning. 

Every day in Infant 1 there are lessons in reading, writing, phonics and mathematics. Pupils’ learning is carefully monitored to ensure good progress is made. We instil a love of reading in our pupils through engaging English lessons, guided and individual reading time and a well-stocked library. Maths lessons are a key feature of each day with a variety of techniques and methods used, including mental maths, problem-solving and practical work. The principal focus is to ensure children develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting, place value and shape and a growing knowledge of a range of measures to describe and compare quantities. 

As part of our broad Alice House curriculum, topics connect the children’s learning in English, maths, geography, science, art, computing, history, RS and WPD. Specialist teachers teach PE, swimming, Spanish, music and Forest School across the week. Opportunities for fun and learning are extended through a varied co-curricular programme with clubs offered at lunchtimes and after school.