Over the many years of Solihull School Parents' Association's history, our aims have evolved into three main areas.
Perhaps the most obvious one is that we raise money for the school. In recent years, we have significantly contributed to many of the departments within the school, and we really do try to make a difference to all the clubs and associations, large and small, to help the school continue with the depth and breadth of the experiences it offers to its pupils.
We also provide a platform for parents to get to know each other by running social events throughout the year. Some are fundraising as well as social, such as the Family Fun Friday, and some, such as our welcome coffee mornings, are simply to allow parents to gather and to feel part of our school community. We would really like to see you at one (or all!) of our events.
The Parents' Association is run by a general committee, and we always welcome volunteers' support at any level.
If you are interested or have any questions, please email this year's Joint Presidents Aneesa Ahmed & Nurin Hoque at prez.sppa@hotmail.co.uk.
For details of our forthcoming events, please click here.
To sell or donate uniform, please view and download the PDFs below.
Solihull School Parents' Association
Instagram - solsch_pa
Solihull School Parents' Association, 793 Warwick Road, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 3DJ
Registered with the Charity Commission as 702099