We are delighted to announce that Solihull and Saint Martin’s School will be merging, with effect from September 2020, to create a 3-18 co-educational day school on two campuses.
Both Solihull and Saint Martin’s are distinctive and prestigious in their own right and together we have a compelling vision for the new combined School as the first choice school for families in the region.
The merger is motivated by the aspiration to create an even stronger provision for pupils in the local area and will facilitate the growth and development of the new School with the ability to operate from two campuses. The governing bodies of both Schools support the move and are very positive about the mutual benefits to be gained from the merger. Each School is currently in a sound financial position; however, it is clear that over time the future for Saint Martin’s will become more challenging. Therefore, the decision to merge has been taken to secure the future of the education of current and future pupils at Saint Martin’s.
Bringing the two Schools together will create a larger Solihull School, which will provide dedicated early years, infant, junior and senior facilities on two campuses (Warwick Road Campus and Saint Martin’s Campus).
Through significant investment, year on year, we will improve the teaching and learning environment and other facilities on both campuses, enabling us to extend our reputation for being specialist early years, primary and secondary providers with first-class facilities and resources.
The new School ensures greater long-term security to enable the Governors to plan for its future and support the School in achieving its goals. Our aim is to strengthen our reputation as a provider of high quality, holistic education in the area, building on both Schools’ Christian ethos and values and ensuring the new School continues to thrive for generations to come.
Please see the link below, for a document that we have prepared to answer many of the questions that you may have.