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Solihull School


    Please see below content of Parentmail sent on Tuesday 17 March regarding the Coronavirus and the closure of Solihull School.

    Dear Parents

    I promised you regular updates and further to previous Parentmails, I am now writing to inform you that Solihull School will close at 4:10 pm today, 17 March 2020, until further notice.  The Junior School Prep Room and Kent Library will be open this evening as usual. 

    We will remain partially open tomorrow, Wednesday 18 March, for children in the Junior and Lower Schools, in order to help with childcare arrangements.  This will be more of a supervisory than an educational facility and I ask that you explore all other options first.  If you are unable to organise childcare, we will be open from 8:30 am until 4:10 pm and we will provide pupils with lunch and the tuck shop will be open.  Registration will take place in the Junior School Foyer for Junior School pupils and the George Hill Social Area for Lower School pupils.  School buses will run and pupils need not be in school uniform.  In addition, the IT Helpdesk will be fully staffed and operational throughout tomorrow in order to support the transition to distance learning for all.  At this stage, pupils should check that they can successfully access the relevant school platforms from their home devices.  The Helpdesk can be contacted on

    Furthermore, any belongings not taken home today may be collected by pupils from school tomorrow before 4:10 pm.  Please do check that your son and/or daughter has everything they need to work at home in the days (and possibly weeks) ahead.

    I didn’t expect to be communicating notification of closure today, but given the Government’s most recent medical advice and our own operational capacity – academically, pastorally and medically – we cannot formally remain open beyond today.  I appreciate that this is a worrying time for everyone and that this news may cause added burden, but I must prioritise the welfare of pupils and staff whilst in our care.

    Please expect more information very soon outlining our teaching, assessment and pastoral provision whilst the school is closed.  You will have this information before the end of the week.

    The GCSE Fine Art Practical 10-hour exam scheduled for Thursday 19 March and Friday 20 March is postponed until further notice. The A Level Photography Practical 15-hour exam scheduled for Monday 23 March, Tuesday 24 March and Wednesday 25 March is also postponed. Mrs Trim, Head of Art and Photography, is in discussion with the Examination Board in both cases.  Information regarding other examination commitments will be sent separately.



    Mr DEJJ Lloyd
