In a world where so much emphasis is put on exam success, we have designed the Academic Enrichment Programme to enable the development of the whole student.
Our guiding principle is to provide students with opportunities to learn that go beyond the curriculum, to gain experiences outside their day-to-day lives in the classroom and to develop skills that will set them up for the future.
With the application process for university and for jobs becoming even more competitive, we also believe that the Academic Enrichment Programme will help them to stand out from other applicants by being able to demonstrate learning beyond the curriculum and a wide range of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
The Academic Enrichment Programme is here to provide students with something different and to enable them to have fun whilst learning and developing their skills.
In the Lower Sixth, the Academic Enrichment Programme consists of two parts:
Students are able to choose from one of three programmes of study. These have been designed to cover a range of interests and result in certificates which can then be included in UCAS applications and CVs. We encourage students to consider completing the Extended Project Qualification. Alternatively, students can choose to take on a fourth A Level or participate in our bespoke course, Guardian Shield Health Champion.
The enrichment option for the Lower Sixth is designed to take students out of the usual classroom setting and to learn, develop and apply skills in new settings. This is an opportunity for students to challenge themselves and try something new. During their enrichment, Sixth Formers can coach younger students by becoming mentors on our Outdoor Education programme (‘Terriers’) or be part of the school’s outreach to the local community by volunteering in the community service programme. Other activities on offer include: journalism; debating; the Engineering Education Scheme; Financial Services Level 2 Qualification; photography; green power racing; computing; philosophy, culture, ethics & society; QCSL; and theatre design.
These sessions are interspersed with lectures provided by guest speakers. There are approximately three lectures every year. Some of the speakers have been selected to talk on topics relevant to the life choices the students may face, while others have been chosen in order to broaden their understanding of the world.
In the Upper Sixth, the development of the whole student continues in the format of the Enrichment Lecture Programme. Each Thursday Week B, the year group is addressed by a different, inspirational guest speaker in the fitting setting of the Bushell Hall. Some speakers will share valuable insights into career paths that the students might choose to pursue, while others will focus on the development of life-skills or on broadening the intellect and igniting academic passions. All talks in this diverse programme are topical, enriching, and have the Upper Sixth students at their centre.