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Solihull School

  • RSE Statement


    This Statement of Intent should be read alongside many of our other policies including but not limited to our WPD (RSE) Policy, Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion), Policy and Behaviour & Discipline Policy, etc.

    To embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life, pupils need knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy. Pupils can also put this knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges, and complex contexts. Everyone faces difficult situations in their lives. These subjects can support young people to develop resilience, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support.’

    (Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education, Statutory Guidance, Department for Education, 2019: p8)

    What is Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at Solihull School?

    RSE education in the main forms part of our Wellbeing and Personal Development Curriculum and encompasses lifelong learning about physical, emotional, social and moral growth. As our approach to this is holistic, we have not artificially separated out RSE, believing that good education and learning in this field contributes to overall wellbeing and personal development. The full policy is available on our website and can be downloaded here.


    Our commitment is to age-appropriately go beyond educating on human and reproductive biology. We value, promote and foster understanding of the importance of healthy relationships that are positive, enjoyable, mutually respectful and non-exploitative or harmful. It includes both in person and online connections and behaviours and ensures awareness of factual information, knowing the law and safety for everyone in all things. Intrinsic in our RSE education are SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) influences that aim to clarify and develop positive, inclusive attitudes and values, resilience, and self-awareness and esteem.

    Key Aims

    • Provide up-to-date age appropriate and relevant RSE learning incorporating key elements of SMSC education, Human Rights, British Values, the Equality Act 2010, and other relevant legal and moral guidance. This includes up-to-date themes, contexts and topics that scaffold the learning in a contemporary way.
    • Compliment, collaborate and add learning for parents who we recognise are main educators in matters of RSE and personal development. This includes communication of content and where possible, resources through various appropriate channels in a timely manner, to strengthen conversations at home. Respect the right for parents to request the withdrawal of their child from certain lessons – please see our full WPD/RSE Policy and Government Guidance for more detail:

    • Ensure that RSE and Wellbeing and Personal Development are core learning opportunities and an entitlement for every child during their Solihull School career. The WPD (Wellbeing and Personal Development) curriculum is offered weekly to every child not only in dedicated lessons but also in Form Time, Assemblies and across other subjects such as Biology and Religious Studies.
    • Offer a non-biased, non-judgemental yet factual approach to different relationships, gender and sexual diversity and identity, incorporating equally non-biased guidance and resources that do not promote any particular standout
    • In a safe learning environment, led by neutral, non-judgemental qualified teaching staff using a variety of differentiated approaches, create a space where any pupil irrespective of their own identity, SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), protected characteristics and/or any other needs can learn, question and discuss relationships and sex issues without stigma, shame, or embarrassment
    • Work with pupils to develop their emotional awareness and vocabulary and recognise straightforward medical, ethical and correct terminology in all RSE themes
    • In the spirit of our whole school aims of Ambition, Opportunity and Community, provision an environment where every pupil feels they can contribute to and support the learning and development of everyone
    • Recognise that relationships and families are diverse yet share common values of love, caring, respect, safety and happiness
    • Support conversations and age-appropriate awareness about gender identity and sexual diversity
    • Work alongside specialist partners in the wider community such as NHS and health professionals, government agencies, and other suitable advisors
    • Foster the hope that this learning will sustain a pupil beyond school life and allow a positive, safe, informed and thriving approach into adult life

    Monitoring and Evaluation of WPD/RSE

    As with any other subject in the school, WPD/RSE is regularly reviewed for academic rigour and evidence of learning both internally and by the external inspection process. Emphasis is on metacognitive development using self-reflection and self-evaluation of the impact of learning by and on pupils themselves.