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Solihull School

  • J3


    Our J3 pupils continue to work on being increasingly independent with their management of daily school life, and are encouraged to continue to contribute to the co-curricular activities that are on offer to them throughout the year. 

    In English, pupils learn to develop their descriptive language using the five senses to set the scene for their story and add tension and suspense to engage their readers in their creative writing lessons. They continue to work on their problem-solving in maths, exploring a different topic each term, as well as continuing to build on their previous knowledge of number, whilst making connections between multiplication and division with decimals and percentages. In science, pupils learn all about properties and changes of materials, experience a trip inside a space dome to supplement their space topic and learn about our bodies and how humans develop. 

    In the J3 WPD curriculum, pupils continue to develop mindfulness techniques and learn how to be more resilient in real life situations. In history, the Tudors are covered in depth throughout the year with a trip to Mary Arden’s Farm in the summer, and in geography pupils focus on life in the rainforests, North and South America and study how rivers are formed. Design Technology in our specialist DT room is a new addition to the timetable. Pupils learn to use tools within it to create personalised key rings and book ends, and they benefit from having an additional games lesson each week.   

    The highlight of the year is the much-anticipated residential weekend visit to PGL Boreatton Park near Shrewsbury, where pupils develop team work skills, practise having a growth mindset when giving physical challenges a go, try new activities and have a great time getting themselves wet and muddy with their friends!