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Solihull School

  • J4

    Welcome from the Head of the Prep School

    In J4, pupils are in their final year in the Junior School and are role models to the rest of the school, making independent, mature decisions that allow them to fulfil their potential and be the best they can be. All pupils are given the opportunity to be a general school monitor whilst in J4 and can also apply for some specific monitor roles, including art, computing, librarians and mentors. We also have a Head Girl  and Head Boy who lead the monitor team and are the face of the pupil body for a term. 

    In their English curriculum, J4 pupils extend their creative writing and comprehension skills further, study Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ and also read ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ which links to their history topic of WW2. Pupils extend and consolidate their ever-growing number knowledge and problem-solving skills in maths and particularly enjoy designing and carrying out their own data handling chocolate bar investigation, as well as being introduced to algebra in the summer term. In science, they conduct independent group investigations on heart rate and explore the work of Charles Darwin and other famous scientists. Growth mindset, resilience and mindfulness are amongst a variety of WPD topics that we teach and encourage the children to implement in their everyday lives, both in and outside school. 

    The residential visit in J4 is an exciting four-day trip to Hilltop Outdoor Centre in Norfolk, where pupils take part in a number of team-building and fun activities, including a trip to the beach, high ropes and coastal erosion studies!  Another highlight of J4 is the drama production that pupils have the opportunity to be part of and are always excited to perform! Towards the end of their time in the Junior School, some transition activities and events help prepare J4 pupils for a seamless transition to the Senior School as the next step on their exciting Solihull journey awaits them.