Throughout the year there are numerous opportunities for pupils to become engaged in and actively support charitable initiatives. These may be events, volunteering, fundraising activities and collections or donations, and are often organised by the pupils themselves. The Community Ambassadors, a student group led by Head of Community Relations, Ms C Dignon ( and a team of staff, are central to this organisation and pupils are encouraged to take a proactive and thoughtful approach to this key area of school life. The school is very proud of the links fostered with local, regional and international charities, and the concept of giving and being supportive, generous and altruistic are central to our school ethos and aims.
In recent years, fundraising initiatives, events and donations have been organised with the below:
Solihull has a close link with a number of local schools, in particular Reynalds Cross. Pupils from Reynalds Cross and other local primaries often take part in workshops in a number of activities, such as IT, Art, Drama and Music, where our pupils take active roles. Our pupils are involved in the planning and delivery of these, and it has always been a greatly rewarding experience for all.
The best place to find out about our recent charity activities is on our Solihull social media platforms.