The Music Department is a successful and vibrant part of Solihull School, serving both the Preparatory and Senior Schools across two campuses; a place where musical activity is thriving and wide-ranging, both in and out of the classroom. Many pupils are attracted to the school not just because of the academic excellence, but also because of the considerable opportunities that exist in the arts. Central to the work of everyone in the Music Department is a desire to encourage pupils to give of their best at whatever level they can achieve. The result is a large number of pupils involved in musical activity of one kind or another, and very high quality in much of that activity, culminating in impressively high standards and wonderful energy. Choirs, orchestras and ensembles abound; the range of musical events is extensive. 630 instrumental/vocal lessons are given across both schools weekly. ABRSM and Trinity practical examinations are held each term at the school and a number of pupils go on to take higher diploma performance exams.
The Department benefits from excellent accommodation in the recently built David Turnbull Music School. This purpose-built building comprises twelve individual teaching/practice rooms, six rooms for the employed Music staff, a Recital Room, Ensemble Room, three class teaching rooms (one specifically for GCSE and Sixth Form teaching), an ICT suite with 25 Apple Mac computers running Sibelius Ultimate music software, a recording studio and a staff room. While most musical performances take place in the Music School and Chapel, a significant number of large-scale concerts take place in the adjacent Bushell Hall.
In 2015 the school joined the prestigious Steinway Initiative, purchasing three new Steinway grand pianos and becoming a beacon of excellence in the region. A concert model ‘D’ grand piano lives in the Bushell Hall for large ensemble concerts and assemblies; a model ‘B’ in the Recital Room for solo and chamber recitals; and a model ‘AS’ in the Ensemble Room – especially used for exam performances and auditions. These superb pianos are not only a treat for the pupil pianists to play on, they also provide a wonderful accompaniment sound to our many instrumentalists and singers. The acquisition of these new grand pianos has enabled us to build a link with EPTA – the European Piano Teachers’ Association. EPTA use our facilities for teacher INSET, for competitions and for events.
We are delighted to be able to award music, choral and organ scholarships and Instrumental Awards to pupils who are showing great musical potential or progress and who display a real love of their music making. Further details are available on the Admissions page of this website [insert link]. Parents of prospective applicants are encouraged to get in touch with the Director of Music, Mr Tim Kermode for further guidance and advice at