Learning to play an instrument is a valuable skill, which can form the basis of a life-long passion. Not only is there enormous musical and social enjoyment, and artistic and expressive satisfaction, there is also a real sense of achievement which continues beyond school. It is a long process, which requires commitment and hard work but there will be many occasions to celebrate and enjoy which make it worthwhile.
450 instrumental/vocal lessons are given in the Senior School each week by the team of employed and visiting instrumental teachers covering piano, organ, singing, guitar, percussion, saxophone and all orchestral instruments. We are most fortunate to have an excellent team of visiting professional musicians who are specialists in their field as both teachers and performers. Visit the Music Staff page for a full list of our employed and visiting teachers.
Exams are not essential to the learning process but can help as a means of measuring progress. Your child’s teacher is the best judge as to whether an exam should be taken and which grade should be attempted. Each term the school acts as a centre for practical instrumental and vocal exams for both the ABRSM and Trinity exam boards. Pupils who receive their tuition outside school are equally welcome to take their exams in school.
Aural and theory training are both offered in school to support pupils on an individual basis as part of their overall musical education.
Please contact the Music School Manager, Mrs I Baumber for any queries about instrumental lessons in school and taking exams.